In preparing a submission to the ELT Council, Ministry for Education and Employment, for the establishment of a new or the extension of an existing ELT School, applicants should give careful consideration to the following:
1. Structure Plan
Policy SOC 15 indicates that new schools, including private schools, will be located in areas where demographic projections indicate that such a facility is required and on sites which provide for a full range of educational and sports facilities, good accessibility and a safe environment. (As a general principle the Structure Plan seeks the efficient use of land and buildings, channelling development into existing and committed urban areas, to reduce the spread of urban development into the countryside. To this end, no form of urban development will be permitted outside the existing and committed built up areas. Unforeseen uses may be considered but the applicant must justify a departure from Structure Plan policies, indicating why, from a planning point of view, the development cannot be located within the existing or planned urban areas.)
2. Site Determination
The most important goal of the Structure Plan is the efficient use of land and buildings, with the channelling of development activity into existing and committed urban areas in order to constrain the loss of undeveloped land and to reduce the spread of built development into the countryside.
Compelling reasons will be required for site approvals to be granted for schools outsidedevelopment zones. The North Harbour Area embraces a concentration of ELT schools in relation to other areas and applications for the siting and licensing of a new ELT school are to providemeasures to alleviate this concentration and to encourage new opportunities outside this area.
All proposed sites should :
a) have adequate and safe access to the Arterial or Distributor road network;
b) be located in areas where the existing provision of ELT Schools permits additional development;
c) not involve the loss of good quality agricultural land or areas of agricultural value;
d) not involve the loss of or compromise sites or areas of ecological, scientific importance or archaeological importance;
e) have adequate land to provide for buildings or adequate buildings with the appropriate space standards, to cater for all necessary uses, including adequate recreation and other open space, and to provide for future expansion at all levels;
f) not adversely affect scenic or landscape value by virtue of their location, design or land use;
g) not be wholly or partially located, within or on the sides of valleys, especially valley watercourses.
3. Business Plan and Needs Analysis
The applicant shall submit a Business Plan covering the first three years of the operation. This shall include a Needs Analysis, showing the employment, business and tourism marketing opportunities generated by the project.
4. Legal Provisions and Quality of Education
The attention of applicants is drawn to the Legal Provision link.
Applications must be completed and forwarded to the :
Chief Executive Officer
ELT Council
Ministry for Education and Employment
Great Siege Road
21 hours ago