Expression of Interest
The ELT Council is inviting suitably qualified individuals to submit an Expression of Interest to form part of the Award Selection Committee for the 8th Inspiring ELT Professional Award 2021 and also the ELT Carrers Award 2021.
Dr Odette Vassallo, ELT Council Member, will chair the Award Selection Committee, which will have the purpose to:
Terms of Reference
Purpose and objectives of the Selection Committee: As indicated above.
Meetings: A maximum of three meetings will be held, online, while other work will be done via email correspondence. Estimated time to be allocated for the entire procedure is 6hrs per member.
Remuneration: A payment of €100 will be paid to each committee member upon completion of the process.
Duration: June-October 2021.
If you have a Level 7 qualification in ELT/TESOL, at least 1500 hours of teaching/training experience in the ELT sector, and would like to express your interest, please send us an email on by Monday 24th May 2021.
Il-Kunsill tal-ELT qed jistieden lil individwi bi kwalifiki xierqa biex jifformaw parti mill- Kumitat tal-Għażla tal-Premju tas – 8th Inspiring ELT Professional Award 2021, kif ukoll ELT Carrers Award 2021.
Dan il-kumitat ser ikun ippresedut minn Dr. Odette Vassallo, membru tal-Kunsill tal-ELT, u l-għan ta’ dan il-kumitat ser ikun li:
Termini ta’ Referenza:
Għan għall-Kumitat tal-Għażla: Kif indikat hawn fuq.
Laqgħat: Ser jiġu organizzati sa massimu ta’ tliet laqgħat vitruali, filwaqt li l-kumplament tax-xogħol ser isir permess ta’ korrispondenza b’emails. Stima ta’ ħin allokat għal dan il-proċess kollu hija ta’ 6 sigħat għal kull membru.
Ħlas: Kull membru fil-kumitat ser jitħallas €100 meta jitlesta il-proċess.
Perjodu: Ġunju sa’ Ottubru 2020.
Jekk għandek kwalifika ta’ Livell 7 fl-ELT/TESOL, mill-inqas 1500 siegħa ta’ esperjenza fit-tagħlim/taħriġ fis-settur tal-ELT, u tixtieq tesprimi l-interess tiegħek, jekk jogħġbok ibgħatilna email fuq sa’ nhar it-Tnejn 24 ta’ Mejju 2021.
3 days ago