ASV Policy: The aim of this Policy is to support the maintenance and development of academic standards of teaching in English Language Teaching institutions licensed by the Council. The principal concept underpinning this policy and set of procedures is to motivate ELT schools to introduce and/or develop monitoring and developmental mechanisms and processes of their own, supported by ELTC Academic School Visits.
CPD Policy: The aim of this policy is to specify what the ELT Council considers to be approved forms of CPD for the purposes of ELT or ESP permit renewals. The policy also contains a helpful template which can be used to submit a CPD course for review.
Data Protection Policy: The English Language Teaching Council is set to fully comply with the Data Protection Principles as set out in such data protection legislation. This policy highlights the measures that the Council takes in order to safeguard Data Protection for its customers.
ELT Council Policy Manual: The aim of this Policy Manual is to collect all relevant information that might be useful to anyone in the industry. It is a handy collection of policies and regulations that are to be followed by the relevant people who are working in the industry.
ELT Student Identification Cards Policy: This policy highlights all the pieces of information that the law (LN 221 of 2015) requires Student Cards to have during the students’ duration of the English-learning course.
Student Visa Policy: The scope of this policy is to provide clear guidelines on the facilitation of the visa process for third-country nationals (TCNs) who plan to take up an education course in Malta.
TEFL Award Policy: This policy is a collection of standards, guidelines and procedures for the approval of training courses leading to certification of the ELT Council TEFL Certificate.
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