
Our opening hours for the public are as follows:

Winter: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 0900-1600
Summer: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 0900-1300

Mission Statement

​The mission of the ELT Council for ELT Schools is to foster the ELT Profession and Industry in all its various aspects.​


The ELT Council is established:

  1. To stimulate, promote and safeguard the ELT profession and encourage  the proficient use of the English Language  on a national basis;
  2. To  upgrade  standards  in  ELT teachers’ qualifications and raise  ELT to the level of a regulated profession;
  3. To maintain and operate quality assurance systems in all aspects of English Language stays that provide for periodic rigorous audits to assure compliance with established  quality standards;
  4. To foster  Malta’s reputation  as an international learning centre of repute in all aspects of ELT stays;
  5. To create a framework of ELT qualifications based on learning outcomes and referenced to the Malta Qualifications Framework  in line with  International and European Qualifications Networks;
  6. To establish and maintain statutory links between ELT and the tourism industry and between ELT and other public and private institutions to constitute an improved platform for further sustainable growth and to strengthen the all ready existing rapport;
  7. To ensure professional management, administrative and physical resources for the growing remit of the ELT Council by allocating to it suitably qualified and skilled human resources and commensurate premises that continually upgrade the profile of the Council in line with its increasing importance on the national economic level.​

Council Constituency


Prof. Daniel Xerri

Council Members

Ms Jessica Rees-Jones

Ms Rebecca Bonnici
Elected Schools’ Representative for FELTOM Schools​

Mr Raffaele Pagliuso
Non-Associated Schools’ Representative

Ms Xiaolong (Monica) Wu
Malta Tourism Authority

Mr Stefan Sant

Ms Therese Camilleri

Dr Odette Vassallo
Appointed by the Minister for Education and Employment

Ms Mandy Carly Farrugia
Appointed by the Minister for Tourism

Ms Sue Falzon
ELT Council CEO


Ms Annabel Cutajar
Senior ELT Council Officer

Ms Romina Azzopardi
ELT Council Officer 

Ms Catherine Bugeja
ELT Council Officer

Mr Juan Ellul
ELT Council Officer

Legal Provisions

Education Act – Chapter 327 of the Laws of Malta

Legal Notice 221 of 2015 – The English Language Teaching Council Regulations

The object of these regulations is to provide for a regulatory framework for the advancement and monitoring of standards with respect to the ELT profession, Schools, English language teachers, Home Tuition Providers, Distance Learning Providers, non-academic services and ancillary services that together constitute the stay of, or the provision to, English language students, speakers of other languages

ELT Council Regulations  
Annual Report 2022   Annual Report 2023